Fundación Kawsay was founded 15 years ago to promote the educational, economic, agricultural and tourism within the separate Saraguran communities. Four years later, the tourism aspect was shifted to another entity.
Funds are raised through international non-government organizations, with much of the funding coming from organizations in Spain.. Fundación Kawsay facilitates the social development and the lasting handling of nature of the communities in the Andes Mountain Ranges and Amazon in the south of Ecuador, through the fortification of local capacity, cultural revitalization, promotion of principals and value for visions of the Andes. Achik Wasi is a large conference center and hostal where groups can meet to study and plan. The capacity of the hostal is 35 persons, the conference center and dining facilities accommodate up to 80.
The following entities have assisted Saraguro and Fundación Kawsay over the years and have gained the appreciation of all of the local and International groups who have made and continue to make possible the development of programs in the village Saraguro. Saraguro can also use you as well as friends in particular that without being direct part of an organization have sympathize with Kawsay and Saraguro:
Council of Cordoba. (Spain)
Canton Saraguro parish